I am about to embark on one of my least favorite occupations — Public Speaking. Although I jumped at the chance to get more exposure for my film by presenting FINDING KUKAN at several upcoming events, I am not a natural speaker. In fact making any kind of announcement to a room full of strangers normally makes me break out in hot flashes that are NOT menopausal-related.
So I’ve been collecting public speaking tips from friends and colleagues. I thought I’d share some of the best ones here.
1) Picture the audience wearing just their underwear (I know this is supposed to make you feel less intimidated, but I’m afraid I might just break out laughing and never recover).
2) Practice your speech in front of a mirror (could be dangerous depending on your self-image)
3) Act like a Diva, you’ll sound better. (A hint from my wonderful singing instructor Blossom Lam Hoffman)
4) Warm up your voice with a Carol Burnett Tarzan call. (Another hint from my singing instructor)
5) Use lots of visuals so the audience doesn’t focus too much on you. (But be careful of visual overload and the LSD effect).
6) Ask for divine intervention and just wing it.
7) Go online and get some practical tips from the pros.
In the next month or two I will probably try out most of these. I’ll report back which ones worked best for me. What do you do when put in front of a crowd?
5 Responses to September 25, 2012 — 7 Tips for Nervous Public Speakers