Category Archives: Screenings

December 1 to 31, 2011 — Producer/Director Robin Lung Featured on Career Changers TV

Although I’m more com­fort­able being behind the cam­era than in front of it, I agreed to be pro­filed on OC 16’s Career Chang­ers TV show in order to get the word out about FINDING KUKAN.  Pro­duc­er Rich Figel and Cameraman/Editor Stan Chang man­aged to boil my life of job-hop­ping down to a suc­cinct 4 min­utes or so.  Even bet­ter, the lead in and out of the piece made peo­ple real­ly want to see the work-in-progress trail­er and learn more about KUKAN.  The show airs through Decem­ber on dig­i­tal chan­nel 16 or 1016 in Hawaii.  The show is rebroad­cast Fri 2:30pm, Sat 6:30pm, Sun 12:30am, Mon 9:00am, and Wed 2pm and Thur 8:30pm through Decem­ber.  If you can’t catch it, here is a low res­o­lu­tion version.


You can see the nice lead up to the trail­er here.  And a fab­u­lous arti­cle Rich wrote about “The Mys­tery of Li Ling-Ai” here.

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October 19, 2011 — FINDING KUKAN Excerpts Screen at Evening with Jiang Wen

Two work-in-progress excerpts from FINDING KUKAN (one in its first pub­lic show­ing) will screen as the “open­ing act” for the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hawai‘i spon­sored Evening with Jiang Wen, the famous Chi­nese actor/director who is in Hawai‘i as the fea­tured film­mak­er for the 2011 Hawai‘i Int­ter­na­tion­al Film Festival.


flyer for October 19, 2011 FINDING KUKAN Screening

Fly­er for FINDING KUKAN Screen­ing at Uni­ver­si­ty of Hawai‘i spon­sored Evening With Jiang Wen

The evening should be a very spe­cial one, and bound to bring great expo­sure to FINDNG KUKAN.  Check it out if you are in the area.or pass the word on to oth­ers.  Note that the screen­ing is free, but you need a tick­et to get in the door.  They expect a capac­i­ty crowd, so get your tick­ets ear­ly.  They are avail­able at UH Moore Hall 417.

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